
Phoenix Orange Beach


Join us on Facebook

Join the Phoenix Orange Beach Owners Group on Facebook and get updates real time!

To access the group, simply:

1) Go into Facebook and Search for “Phoenix Orange Beach Owners Group”. Then click the magnifying glass (Enter does not always find new pages or groups).  Facebook will show you a list but it might not be there.  If not, click on See More Results for "Phoenix Orange Beach Owners Group".  It should be there.  Click on it.

2) At the top of the page you will see a JOIN GROUP option. Then just click it. This will send a request to me.  I will confirm ASAP and you are all set. If for any reason this does not work for you, just send me an email and I will send you an invitation.

The Group will appears in the left pane of your Facebook page and you can have any posts appear on your wall as well.  I promise to only post relevant information that would be of interest regarding the condo.


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